
Reliability Engineering


About Us

Legacy Aircraft

Jet Engine, Prop, & Airframe Reliability Analysis

We have helped many operators across the globe achieve success and are ready to assist you.

Reliability Engineering Services

Fleet Reliability Modelling

Statistical analysis to model the behavior of each of the key components in your system - engine, prop, or airframe.

Fleet Maintenance Software

Field level software for your staff to use during maintenance events to establish workscopes that support your objectives.

Fly Forward Analysis

Simulations of numerous maintenance approaches to measure their reliability, cost, material requirement, and other impacts.

Baseline Study

A study for new reliability programs to understand which data components are already in place and which are still needed.

Data Collection

Experienced maintainers to assist you with fleet maintenance event issues and data capturing for future reliability analysis.

Custom Database

A database to capture all necessary data components at your maintenance locations for future reliability analysis.

Other Services


We are happy to consult with End Users, OEM's, and MRO providers to assist with any reliability analysis efforts you are engaged in or may wish to pursue.


If you are an OEM or MRO provider pursuing a maintenance contract that includes a reliability analysis requirement, we can assist with or lead the reliability portion.

Tech. Sustainment Support

If you are an allied foreign operator with a recently acquired legacy fleet, we can manage any desired TSS effort and the subcontracting of all needed parties.